AIIMS 2011: Medical Entrance Previous Questions and Answers

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1. What is the source of Eco R1
a) Escherichia coli R I
b) Escherichia coli R I 13
c) Escherichia coli R Y 13
d) Escherichia coli R X 13
2. First clinical gene therapy was given in 1992 to a 4 years old girl for
a) adenine deficiency
b) growth deficiency
c) adenosine deaminase deficiency
d) adenosine deficiency
3. Bacteria, fungi, lower plants survive in adverse conditions by
a) diapause
b) migration
c) suspended growth
d) formation of thick walled spores
4. Monarch butterfly from predators by
a) foul smell
b) bitter taste
c) colour combination
d) rough skin
5. What is the characteristic of tapetum?
a) it does not store food
b) it is multilayered structure
c) it is multinucleated
d) it nourishes the megaspore
6. In vehicles, catalytic converters are used
a) to increase mileage of vehicles
b) to convert CO2 into carbonates into carbonates
c) to increase the efficiency of lead mixed petrol
d) to convert CO to CO2
7. Cell theory was proposed by
a) a botanist
b) a zoologist
c) a botanist and a zoologist
d) a psychologist
8. PS-II occurs only in
a) stroma
b) granal thylakoids
c) stromal lamella
d) matrix
9. After glycolysis, fate of glucose in mitochondrial matrix is
a) oxidation
b) reduction
c) hydrolysis
d) oxidative decarboxylation
10. Which of the following elements is present in very less quantity in the body?
a) K
b) Ca
c) Mg
d) Cu

1. c) Escherichia coli R Y 13
Eco R1
  • Type II Restriction endonuclease enzyme
  • Source:Escherichia coli Ry 13( Eco R Y 13) bacteria.
Restriction sequence:
Restriction sequence
2. c) adenosine deaminase deficiency
The treatment of genetic diseases by introducing proper genes into patient’s cells is called gene therapy.
Gene therapy in man was first practiced by Michaele Blease and French Andresco in 1990 to cure SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency disease ) in four year old girl in the USA.  
3.  d) formation of thick walled spores
Bacteria, fungi and lower plants survive in adverse conditions through formation of thick walled spores.
4. b) bitter taste
5. c) it is multinucleated
Tapetum forms the innermost of the  microsporangium wall layers. This layer forms a complete covering around the sporogeneous tissue and it is through this layer that the passage of food to the sporogeneous tissue takes place. The cells are multinucleated  and radially elongated.
6. d) to convert CO to CO2
7. c) a botanist and a zoologist
Cell theory was proposed by German botanist Schleiden and another German  zoologist  Schwann in 1839.
8. b) granal thylakoids
9. a) oxidation
After glycolysis, pyruvate forms acetyl Co A which undergoes oxidation  to form CO2 and H2O through Kreb’s cycle in mitochondrial matrix.
10. d) Cu
Trace elements or microelements: Iron (Fe), Iodine (I), zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Cobalt (Cb), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mb)  are required in very small amounts to our body.
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