81. Myelin sheath is produced by :
Cells and Oligodendrocytes
2. Astrocytes and Schwann Cells
3. OligodendrocytesandOsteoclasts
4. Osteoclasts and Astrocytes
82. In
case of a couple where the male is having a very ' low sperm count, which
technique will be suitable for fertilisation ?
1. Inhauterinehansfer
2. Gamete inhacytoplasmic fallopian
3. Artificiallnsemination
4. Intracytopiasmic sperm iniection
83. Which
of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell?
1. Cell wall
2. Nuclear membrane
3. Plasma membrane
4. Glycocalyx
84. DNA
replication in bacteria occurs :
1. During S Phase
2. Within nucleolus
3. Prior to fission
4. Just before transcription
85. The function of copper ions in copper
releasing IUD's is :
1. They suppress sperm motility and
fertilising capacity of sperms.
2. They inhibit gametogenesis.
3. They make uterus unsuitable for
4. They inhibit ovulation.
86. Which of the following in sewage treatment
removes suspended solids ?
1. Tertiary treatment
2. Secondary treatment
3. primary treatment
4. Sludge treatment
87. The water potential of pure water is :
1. zero
2. Less than zero
3. More than zero but less than one
4. More than one
88. Identify the wrong statement in context of
1. Organic conpounds ale deposited in it
2. It is highly durable
3. It conducts
water and minerals efficiently
4. It comprises dead elements with
highly lignified walls
89. Thalassemia ancl sickle cell anemia ate
caused due to a problem in globin molecule synthesis' Select the correct
1. Both are due to qualitative defect
in globin chain synthesis
2. Both are due to a quantitative defect
in globin chain synthesis.
3. Thalassemia
is due to less synthesis of globin molecules.
4. Sickle cell anemia is due to a
quantitative problem of globin molecules
90. Flowers Which have single ovule ilt the
ovary and are packed into inflorescence "usually pollinated
1) Water
2) Bee
3) Wind
4) Bat
81.Schwanl Cells and Oligodendrocytes
82. 4. Intracytopiasmic sperm iniection
83. 4. Glycocalyx
84. 3. Prior to fission
85. 1. They suppress sperm motility and fertilising capacity of sperms.
86. 3. primary treatment
87. 1.zero
88. 3.It conducts water and minerals efficiently
89. 3. Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin molecules.
90. 3) Wind